Legal Notice
Website Editor
This site is published by SARL Delta Business, with capital of 25 000 €
Tel: (+33) 1 30 72 83 00
Pontoise RCS 420 458 622
Code NAF 7320 Z: Market studies and surveys
Director of publication: Ghislaine Le Bot, Manager of Delta Business
Design and Edition: Delta Business
Hosting: SquareSpace
Confidentiality and Personal Data Protection
Delta Business Commitment to Privacy and Data Protection:
The General Data Protection Regulation adopted by the European Union ("GDPR") entered into force on May 25, 2018. It marks a new stage in the strengthening of the protection of individuals' personal data (in particular by strengthening consent, the consecration of the right to be forgotten, the minimization of personal data that can be used, the limitation of their access, the strengthening of data security, etc.).
Delta Business is committed to protecting the personal data of its customers, respondents and employees, and implements GDPR requirements in all countries where the company operates.
Intellectual Property
The general structure as well as the software, texts, images, animated or not, its know-how and all the other elements composing the website are the exclusive property of Delta Business. Any dispute in connection with the use of the www.deltabusiness.org site is subject to French law.
The user acknowledges the exclusive jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of Pontoise.
Hypertext Links and Cookies
Delta Business is in favor of creating hypertext links to the pages of its website. However, all hypertext links to the site www.deltabusiness.org are subject to prior authorization. In addition, Delta Business reserves the right to request the dissolution of any links which it considers to be liable to prejudice its image or its rights.
The user is informed that during his visits to the site www.deltabusiness.org, one or more cookies may be automatically installed on his computer through his browser software.
A cookie is a block of data which does not identify the user, but which records information relating to the user's navigation on the site.
Limitation of Liability
Delta Business, as well as all third parties involved in the creation of this website, give no warranty, expressed or implied, and assume no liability, relating to the use of this publication. As such, they cannot be liable to a user or another party, for direct or indirect, special, particular or incidental damage resulting from the use of this website or another website linked by hyperlink.
The information on this website:
Are exclusively of a general nature and do not target the specific situation of a physical or legal person;
Are not necessarily complete, exhaustive, exact or up to date;
Sometimes refer to external websites over which Delta Business has no control and for which the company declines all responsibility;
Do not constitute professional or legal advice as such.
Delta Business cannot be held responsible for the interpretation of the information contained on this website, nor for the consequences of its use.