How to meet the challenge of skills development within an international group?
business cases > banking & insurance
IFCAM is the Crédit Agricole Group’s University. It designs, produces, and deploys experiential, collaborative, and local training systems covering all the knowledge necessary for banking & insurance professions.
Obtaining the managers’ vision on the key challenges for the Group
Identifying new skills to acquire in order to meet them
Enriching this reflection with training members and Group employees
Benchmark of the methods and tools of ten French and International business universities
27 in-depth phone interviews with executives of the Crédit Agricole Group
Co-creation workshops with the Group's training managers
Establishment and animation of a collaborative ideation platform open to HRD and Training Services
The Benefits for our Client
Summary of skills issues for which consensus is reached among the Experts and Executives within the Crédit Agricole Group
Highlighting the necessary changes in terms of mission, approach, and tools in tomorrow’s market
Construction of an IFCAM 2020-2025 white paper